
Minutes 2.2.2013

DRAFT Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting

February 2, 2013


9:24AM             Meeting Called to Order: Quorum Present.

Members Present: Michael Hamman, Sean Karlin, Jill Fox, Brian Stott,           Richard Laufman, Sue Ellen Smith, and Allen Frazier.

Members Absent: Steve LaPlante, and Michael Cocagne.


9:25AM             Approval of Meeting Minutes:

MH makes motion to approve minutes from January 12, 2013; RL                               seconds motion; all approve.


9:26AM             Chairman’s Report:

  1. Update on EPA status: MH met w/ EPA; they want additional docs. Navy gave a list of their activities for 2013. EPA wants to know if IBNA will seek the available funds. IBNA will look at alternatives to rip-rap (natural beach).
  2. Update on Berkeley Farms demo: MH reported on continuing story of the illegal demolition of the Berkeley Farms building (under an alteration permit). Letters submitted in favor of a re-hearing; hearing will be held on 2/20/13 @ 5PM, City Hall, Room 416.
  3. Update on Director’s Hearing: 900 Innes is subject to a Director’s Hearing on 2/5/13 @ 9AM, 1660 Mission Street, Room 2001. Members will attend & focus on 4 issues/demands: historical roof; historical sidings/doors/windows; trash removal; & owner to pay for plaque. Also ask that any fines be levied against the property, if possible.
  4. Update on Sale of Land: 900 Innes listed for sale for $3 Million. Will this help in the acquisition effort or make it more difficult? Discussion.
  5. Update on BlueGreenway Walk: Walk will take place on 2/15/13 @ 11AM. Sup. Scott Wiener will attend walk, along with others from Parks Alliance, BlueGreenway, etc. After walk, group will come to the Barn for a catered lunch & presentation by Marcel Wilson. MH, JF, & SK to attend.


10:10AM           Treasurer’s Report:

MC submitted financials to Board via e-mail; review & discussion.


10:11AM           Secretary’s Report:

  1. Correspondence: letter sent in support of Berkeley Farms hearing.
  2. New board member profiles on web site: AF will accept yahoo.group invitation and will submit a photo & bio.
  3. Berkeley Farms hearing talking points: SES will e-mail “talking points” to Board and IBNA members in advance of hearing. JF to send e-                      mail to Better Bayview list. SES to send to Dan Dodt & his group as well.



10:26AM           Other Reports:

  1. Update on Membership: BS has 6 paid memberships for 2013. Goal for the AGM is to achieve 35 memberships, and 15 business sponsors.



10:27AM           Old Business:

  1. Legal Status of Association: AF will present his preliminary findings at a special Board meeting on this topic Friday, 2/22/13 @ 6:30PM.
  2. AGM: Outreach: JF will send out e-blast to Better Bayview list; IBNA. JF will post flyers @ parks, etc. MH will post to Dan Dodt; Potrero Hill; SK will reach out to Potrero View newspaper. Food: BS will budget $150 for food. Arrival time: be there by 3PM. Agenda for Meeting: i) IBNA accomplishments; ii) Become a member!; iii) Show up for 900 Innes hearing, or write a letter in support; and iv) election: vote for slate. Board: JF will get special hats for Board members to wear to identify them, rather than special nametags.

10:50AM           New Business:

  1. None.



10:51AM           Future Agenda items.

  1. Easter Egg Hunt: March 30th is the Egg Hunt date. MH to reach out to Marcel @ Recology re doing the BBQ, and will contact Erin Farrell re                         bringing on her AmeriCorps volunteers, who did a fantastic job last year.


11:18AM           Adjournment.

                        SK makes motion to adjourn; AF 2d’s; all approve.

