
IBNA Meeting Notes 3-3-2012


Board of Directors Meeting

March 03, 2012

9:15 AM Meeting Called to order: No Quorum Present.

Members Present: Michael Hamman, Richard Laufman, & Sue Ellen Smith.

Members Absent: Kathryn Altamore, Jill Fox, Pauline Peele, Brian Stott, & Robert Van Houten.


9:16AM Approval of Meeting Minutes: No Quorum; no approval of minutes from February 04, 2012.


9:17AM Chairman’s Report:

a. Report on meeting with PG&E: members discuss mtg w/ Ontario Smith of PG&E, & felt it was positive. MH to arrange another mtg to discuss idea of using tank lot for parking during America’s Cup, and having big screen TV in India Basin, with food trucks, tables, etc. along lagoon. PG&E could hire professional parking control, who would then employ local youth as “flaggers” assisting in parking.

b. Additional notes on AGM: MH would like to create a “manual” on the AGM, so each year no need to re-invent the wheel. AGM tasks: 1) check-in/set up; 2) Food purchase/prep; 3) Outreach, including D10, SFPD, & local HOAs; 4) Presentation: Yearly recap; Plans/Goals for coming year; Current Issues; Encouraging membership; and 5) Board Election.


9:25AM Treasurer’s Report:

RVH submitted report via e-mail.


9:27AM Secretary’s Report:

a. Correspondence: Consider doing ltr of rec for Lila Hussain.


9:33AM Other Reports:

a. Stair design Meeting Feb 9th: MH reports mtg went well, w/ DPW approving low lights, landscaping, & landings (instead of straight flight of stairs).

b. Update on Membership: BS not present.


9:40AM Old Business: none.


9:41AM New Business:

a. Egg Hunt Planning: Egg Hunt tentatively set for Saturday, April 7th (day b/4 Easter). Discussion of Egg Hunt tasks: 1) Secure park permit; 2) Get SFFD & SFPD to attend; 3) Invite City Grazing goats to attend; 4) Canopy?? any chance to borrow, rather than buying one that gets used only once per year; 5) Info table set-up & bring materials; 6) Egg Coordinator to organize egg cooking/coloring volunteers; 7) Bunny Suit (JF usually wears – available this year?); 8) Chocolate coins or $1 bills for prize packages.

b. Do we want to do the Egg Hunt this year? Many Board members do not have the time to devote to the Egg Hunt this year, most notably, JF. RL suggests that IBNA focus on something that more closely aligns us with our natural constituency – we never gain any new members from doing the Egg Hunt. Is it time to stop doing it, and instead do a community pot-luck, maybe in conjuction w/ the America’s True event? After discussion, decision made to stop doing the Egg Hunt.


10:10AM Future Agendas.

a. Outreach Posters: RL suggests making up some posters that promote IBNA, and post them around the neighborhood, including at local businesses (Speakeasy, Bay Natives, etc.) Maybe contact Cab about using map, then work on text.

b. New Board Members: Steve LaPlante & Sean Karlin are interested.

c. Future guests: invite Kofi Bonner of Lennar, Tiffany Bohe, Andrea from Sup. Cohen’s office, & Thor Kavlofsky.


10:30AM Adjournment.