Bike Access

Making India Basin safe for biking checks three long-term IBNA goals: Environmental Protections, Transportation Improvements, and Recreational Opportunities. Toward that end IBNA is establishing a committee specifically to concentrate on bike issues.

The Bike Access Committee rolling on three bike paths:

The Quick: Adding bike lanes on Innes is feedback from IBNA to the SFMTA Quick-build project. This solution could give dedicated bike access through the neighborhood in Spring 2021 while other bike and pedestrian safety ideas can be implemented. Unfortunately, SFMTA has rejected this concept.

The IBNA design provides safe biking and walking, 20 additional legal parking spaces for Shoreline Park and other community events, and a road diet to slow vehicles.
The SFMTA rejected the IBNA concept above. The SFMTA Quick-build project does not provide any safe biking on Innes Avenue. Bikes will travel in the same lane as all cars, buses, and trucks.

The Scenic: The Bay Trail is a 400-mile path around SF Bay. Completing one missing block of Bay Trail (from Earl to Donohue) will provide a safe ride or walk around the India Basin waterfront with a Shipyard destination. IBNA considers this a meaningful environmental justice project that will take some fun negotiating with the Navy and regional partners.

Blue indicates Bay Trail completed; Pink indicates approved and to be completed with environmental cleanup; Yellow indicates land still in US Navy jurisdiction that IBNA is advocating for Bay Trail access.

The Vision: Outlined in the IBNA Community Vision and adopted in development plans, the Hudson alternative Class 1 Bike Path will cross the PG&E site and on Hudson Avenue through the Historic Boatyard, Build Inc. project, and Northside Park into the Shipyard. This built-for-bikes road will be completed with those developments and will not be completed until about the year 2034!

Delays in development mean that The Vision bike path designed in 2010 will not be completed until 2034! IBNA created the other alternatives for bike accessibility until this design can be implemented.

IBNA Supports D10 Connected and Protected Bike Route:

The IBNA Bike Access Committee also will be coordinating with folks from Dogpatch and Potrero Hill who are working to create safe bike access throughout District 10.

Anyone is welcome to join the IBNA Bike Access Committee. If you have questions or are interested in any of this bike advocacy, please email