In March 2021, in the midst of the pandemic, a new initiative by the India Basin Neighborhood Association was born: Art on Innes. Art on Innes is a community-led activity to beautify India Basin’s main street with murals and plants. Art on Innes is made possible by support from CEMEX and the effort of community volunteers.

A year earlier, Paint the Void project commissioned local artists to create art on the plywood that was covering retail and restaurant windows during the Covid-19 lockdown. Now that San Francisco is opening up, some mural panels need new homes. Board member and gallery owner Max Khusid learned of the need and suggested there are fences along Innes that could use some love.
Several panels of a new IBNA project, Art on Innes, have been installed on Innes Avenue near Arelious Walker Street.

Thanks to support from CEMEX, our Art on Innes project includes installing panels along the Avenue as well as plaques acknowledging the artists and donors.
Murals Prep:

Build Day 1:

Duser, Zoe Fry and Joel Milikan, Gazette
Build Day 2:
Max Ehrman, “Lion Fish” mural

Build Day 3:
Ian Ross, Arlequin

Build Day 4:
Max Ehrman, Chez Maman West

Build Day 5:
CLENG Sumagaysay, Myriad Gastropub

Build Day 6:
Max Ehrman, Arelquin

Build Day 7:
Messy Beck, Good Vibrations

Build Day 8:
Ryan Montgomery, “Sana, Sana”

A second part of Art on Innes is the installation of planters around the street trees along the thoroughfare. Eight planters have been completed, with about 32 to go! Completing this project involves financial and volunteer support from our India Basin community. The planters will eventually contain plants and plaques, acknowledging the donors.
Sponsorship opportunities and installation party dates for murals and planters are announced in the IBNA newsletter and via Facebook. Meanwhile, slow down and enjoy the art!
Planters Build:

Flowers Plantings: