Quick Build Traffic Calming Project
October 2020 UPDATE: In response to IBNA request to make our neighborhood streets safer, SFMTA plans to execute a “Quick Build” traffic calming project from Evans and Jennings, around the curve along Hunter’s Point Boulevard between Evans and Innes, and down Innes to Donohue.
In summer 2020 SFMTA conducted a survey and held office hours seeking community input on their initial design. The SFMTA is currently reviewing the feedback provided in order to make a community-informed decision on the final Quick-Build design.
Read IBNA comments to SFMTA on the Quick-build Project: https://www.indiabasin.org/ibna-comments-to-sfmta-on-2020-bayview-quick-build
Learn about the Bayview Quick-Build Project and sign up for SFMTA updates at: https://www.sfmta.com/projects/bayview-quick-build-transportation-projects
As noted by SFMTA in the Bayview Quick-Build Factsheet of April 2020 about the Evans, Hunters Point Boulevard, and Innes Avenue corridor, “over the past five years there have been 22 reported traffic collisions that resulted in injury. In October 2019, a traffic collision on Evans Avenue resulted in a fatality. Unsafe speeds, turns, or lane changes accounted for 60% of injury collisions along the project area. Quick-build projects aim to reduce the risk of traffic-related injuries or deaths.” The neighbors mourn Lee Dominique Jr killed on Hunters Point Boulevard on October 6, 2019. Mr Dominique had been on his way to Oakland to visit with his sister. The other car was reported speeding and “doing donuts” prior to the crash.
The Triangle
There is a vacant, wildflower-covered triangular lot bounded by Hawes Street, Innes Avenue, and Hunters Point Boulevard made of three parcels:
- Block 4646 Lot 010, 401 Hawes
Learn more: https://sfplanninggis.org/pim/?tab=Property&search=4646011 - Block 4646 Lot 011, 996 Innes Avenue
Learn more: https://sfplanninggis.org/pim/?tab=Property&search=4646010 - Block 4646 Lot 009, 980 Innes Avenue
Learn more: https://sfplanninggis.org/pim/?tab=Property&search=4646009

Not much public information exists about The Triangle prior to 1989. Early photos seem to indicate that the curve formed by Hunter’s Point Boulevard turning onto Innes Avenue did not exist, meaning that the triangle didn’t exist either. The general understanding is that in the 1940’s Innes and Hunters Point Boulevard were widened, and the corner turned into a curve instead of a left turn in order to accommodate the thousands of shift workers at the Hunters Point Shipyard traveling through the community daily. According to neighborhood lore, during the heyday of Shipyard activity, from about 1940 to 1980, the triangle contained a gas station and convenience store. IBNA welcomes more photos and stories about the history of The Triangle and The Curve.
According to realtor.com, Wallace and Janet Baldwin purchased the properties in 1989 for $130,000. In 2008, a Mechanic’s Lien – or guarantee of payment to builders for work to be done – was registered on the property in favor of US Concrete Precast Group; the guarantor was Jamestown Condos and Jamestown Equity Partners LLC. As far as we can tell, the work was never done. During this time, the properties were owned by The Baldwin Family Trust—this trust took over the deed to the properties in 2003 from Wallace and Janet Baldwin.
The Assessor’s office notes that the property was last sold on March 15, 2013, to Raul and Denise Arriaza for $375,000. Mr. Arriaza is a San Francisco realtor. According to the FY2017 Secured Property Tax Rolls, the value of all three parcels together for tax purposes is about $461,000, costing the owners over $25,000 in taxes since 2013.
IBNA’s efforts to connect with the current owner to learn about any plans for ‘The Triangle’ have been unsuccessful.
The Box Shop Mural
For nearly 20 years, the Box Shop has been a collaborative art studio and maker space for professional artists, volunteer art groups, and creatives of all sorts. Recently they have been installing new art on their exterior surfaces for all to enjoy. Each installation is made by local artists who are being paid for their amazing work.
Learn more: https://www.charlesgadeken.com/bs-box-shop-mural-project-1
Questions or Additions
The India Basin Neighborhood Association welcomes questions, corrections, or additions about any of the projects mentioned here: Use the Contact Form