Traveling through India Basin can be deceiving. The multiple empty lots make it seem that nothing much is happening in the neighborhood. The truth is that behind the scenes multiple areas are in various stages of change, including the six presented here.
Volunteers from the India Basin Neighborhood Association are doing their best to stay informed and provide input on all the projects. This page will be updated as information changes. IBNA continuously advocates for a livable neighborhood, with a range of housing sizes and styles, and the amenities and services that other San Francisco neighborhoods enjoy. IBNA welcomes responsible development, while trying to maintain the charm that makes India Basin special: the waterfront access, rich history, arts-friendly vibe, and mixed-use ambiance. When providing input into projects, IBNA goals remain those presented in the 2010 Community Vision:
- Comprehensive Planning
- Economic Success
- Environmental Protections
- Transportation Improvements
- Recreational Opportunities
UPDATED Summer 2022: India Basin Growth 2022-2025

UPDATED Summer 2022: India Basin Construction 2022-2025

Click on the corners below to find out what’s going on:
① Evans Avenue at Jennings and Middle Point Streets
② Hunters Point Boulevard near Innes Avenue
③ Innes Avenue and Griffith Street
④ Innes Avenue and Arelious Walker Street
- Art on Innes
- 700 Innes, Build Inc development
⑤ Innes Avenue between Earl and Donahue Streets
⑥ The Shipyard
Questions or Additions
The India Basin Neighborhood Association welcomes questions, corrections, or additions about any of the projects mentioned here: Use the Contact Form