One of IBNA’s first projects was to successfully petition for stop signs at the intersection Evans, Middle Point, and Jennings, which transformed a dangerous no-way stop into a safer four-way stop. Soon, signals will replace the stop signs in anticipation of continuing population growth throughout India Basin.
PG&E Substation Relocation
The Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) power plant at Hunters Point was located on 30 acres surrounding the intersection at the heart of India Basin. Opened in 1929 as a coal-burning plant, it was later converted to natural gas. When it closed in 2006, it was one of the most polluting power plants in America. The transformer substation that serves the southeast quadrant of San Francisco remains. In anticipation of future waterfront development, PG&E plans to relocate the transformer station across Jennings Street to the lot next to White Cap Building Materials.

To help integrate the substation into the community, PG&E has hired the award-winning Mexico City architect and community designer Tatiana Bilbao. Bilbao describes the project as, “An exercise in the search for habitat, for place. Our main objective was to transform and merge a reality of industrialization with a dream of a shared community living.”
UPDATE: January 2021: PG&E is including a public plaza as part of the new substation, opening in 2023, and seeks community input. How would you like to use this plaza? The survey is open until February 1, 2021. Check out the FAQ at the end of this survey for more information on the construction process.
IBNA provided initial feedback on the substation project, requesting:
- A generous set-back from the sidewalk
- A plaza for an anticipated transit hub
- Greenery
- Careful night lighting
- Public art
Now Hunters Point
The future of the rest of the former power plant is undecided. As of 2020, Now Hunters Point events will continue as possible during the substation relocation construction. IBNA carefully considered ideas for Jennings Street and the waterfront land in the 2010 Community Vision. IBNA will update this page as PG&E releases more information.
Learn more:
IBNA is closely following the substation relocation project and will advise members of updates and opportunities for public input.
Hunters View
The original Hunters View was constructed in 1957 with 267 temporary units on either side of Middle Point from Evans uphill to Innes Avenue. These units were never intended to be permanent housing, and due to the poor initial construction of the site and years of deferred construction, the property deteriorated well beyond repair.
The renewed Hunters View is the result of a partnership between the Office of Community Investment and Infrastructure (OCII), HOPE SF, the Mayor’s Office of Housing and Community Development (MOHCD), the San Francisco Housing Authority (SFHA), and the John Stewart Company. It will be completed in three phases. No existing residents were displaced as a result of this multi-phased development. Phase 1 was completed in 2013 and Phase 2 in 2018. All Hunters View residents who lived onsite now live in Phases 1 and 2.
UPDATE October 2020: Hunters View Phase III Affordable Housing is the final piece of the master-planned redevelopment of the Hunters View public housing community. Construction is projected to begin in 2021 and will include:
- 118 units
- 53 public housing replacement units (all PBV)
- 64 new tax credit units
- 1 managers’ unit
It will be made up of two new buildings, plus new roads, sidewalks, utilities, a new park, and additional community-serving ground-floor space.
Learn more:
Questions or Additions
The India Basin Neighborhood Association welcomes questions, corrections, or additions about any of the projects mentioned here: Use the Contact Form