When Jill Fox moved to India Basin in 1992, what are now Heron’s Head and India Basin Shoreline Parks were junk yards where people and dogs lived in cars, and plans were being made to put a power plant on the flats off of Fitch Street. Then, the neighbors started getting together to create a common goal for a better neighborhood. Community activism has already made ours a more livable neighborhood and can continue to assure responsible development. Jill is a founding member of the India Basin Neighborhood Association and has represented the neighborhood on the Shipyard RAB, PROSAC, Blue Greenway Task Force, and Equitable Development Leadership Committee. She is also a wife and mother. When you spot her doing yard work, please say hi.
Mónica Padilla-Stemmelen
Monica Padilla-Stemmelen – Secretary
Mónica is a bilingual educator with a decade of experience working in Bay Area public and independent schools. Mónica is currently completing her Masters in Linguistics at San Francisco State, where she was awarded a Sally Casanova Pre-Doctoral Fellowship. She holds a strong interest in heritage language preservation and has worked alongside graduate students documenting the endangered language Zapotec in Teotitlán del Valle, Oaxaca, México. Mónica has lived in San Francisco since 2004 with her husband, Mathieu Stemmelen. They joined the India Basin community in April of 2015 as new residents of The San Francisco Shipyard. She enjoys all things education, sci-fi and music.
David Springer
David Springer
David is a relatively new resident of India Basin; he has lived at the Shipyard with Anna since 2016. He’s lived in California since 1988, when he immigrated from Canada. As a founding partner of Paul & Dave’s Mixed Drinks and husband to Anna of Wellness By Anna, David is a passionate advocate of small businesses in our neighborhoods. David has had a well-rounded career: starting with movie special effects in Toronto to working on Steve Jobs’ Pixar projects in Redwood City to farming and ranching outside of San Luis Obispo and back to supporting small businesses at Google, in Google Maps. David says he’s really excited to be a part of IBNA, and looks forward to sharing great cocktails with everyone. His favorite YouTube video:
His favorite quote: “We all rise when we lift each other up.”- Anon.
Michael Hamman
Michael Hamman – Treasurer
Michael Hamman left North Carolina for San Francisco in the Summer of Love and has loved it here ever since. After hanging his hat in the Haight, Ingleside, and Daly City, he discovered a true home in friendly India Basin in 1997. A general contractor and officer of the National Association of the Remodeling Industry (NARI), he has been active in city land use issues for over 20 years. A country boy at heart, Michael is much admired for growing giant sunflowers and also makes a great pot of chili.
Richard Laufman
Richard Laufman – Membership
Richard Laufman has lived in San Francisco for going on 40 years and in Hunters Point for the last 20. He grew up in Lakewood, Ohio and went to Ohio University. He received an MBA from San Francisco State, but decided to teach instead. Mr. Laufman taught at Yick Wo Elementary School in San Francisco for 27 years. He is now retired but still volunteers at the school. He also serves on the CAC (Citizens Advisory Committee) for the Hunters Point Shipyard.
Sean Karlin
Sean Karlin – Social Media
Born in Los Angeles, raised in Tel Aviv, Sean moved to San Francisco in 2005 after spending two years as a Media Producer with Greenpeace traveling around the world and fighting the good fight. He lives with his wife Orli in India Basin, making award winning films, commercials and documentary. He joined IBNA as a general member in 2005, and in 2012 became a member of the IBNA Board after he and his wife bought their first home right here on Innes Avenue.
Max Khusid
Max Khusid
Max spent the first 20 years of his professional career in the world of technology. He graduated from Carnegie Mellon University, worked for several Silicon Valley startups, and is a proud Apple alumnus as well. For the next 20 years, he is diving into the unknown and immeasurable world of art. He is amazed at what artists can do, mesmerized by their imagination and creativity.
In 2018, inspired by the Shipyard artists’ collective, the stunning beauty of the San Francisco Bay and the neighborhood’s rich history, Max decided to make India Basin his home. Max is passionate about art and public art in our community, public gardens in the sunniest part of San Francisco and multiple public parks developed here.