
Agenda 01-07-2012


Board of Directors Meeting

January 07, 2012

  1. Call to order – Determine Quorum an welcome members


  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes: From November 05, 2011


  1. Chairman’s Report: by Michael Hamman.

a. Update on DPW actions


  1. Treasurer’s Report: by Robert Van Houton.


  1. Secretary’s Report: by Sue Ellen Smith.

a. Correspondence


  1. Other Reports:

a. Update on Web Site by MH

b. Stair design MH

c. Update on Membership by Brian


  1. Old Business:


  1. New Business:

a. Plan for the AGM


  1. Future Agendas.

a. Meet w/ Navy

b. Meet w/ PG&E


  1. Adjournment. (10:45 AM)


  1. Meet with: The PORT to discuss designs for the 3rd & Cargo parcel

(11:00 AM)

a. Presentation (20 min)

b. Questions and discussion