
Agenda 01-12-2013


Board of Directors Meeting

January 12, 2013


  1. Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members


  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes:   From December     03, 2012


  1. Chairman’s Report: by Michael Hamman.
  2. Update on EPA status
  3. AGM February 07 2012 Thursday


  1. Treasurer’s Report: by Michael Cocagne


  1. Secretary’s Report: by Sue Ellen Smith.
  2. Correspondence
  3. New Logo
  4. Update on the IBNA e-mail list.
  5. New board member profiles on web site


  1. Other Reports:
  2. Update on Membership by Brian.


  1. Old Business:
  2. Legal Status of Association .
  3. New Business:
  4. Introduce potental New Board Member, Allen Frasier
  5. Begin Planning AGM
  6. Discuss the usefullness of the parking signs on Innes
  7. Write Letters:
  8. In support of Berkeley Farms permit appeal
  9. In support of the Western SOMA Plan
  • In support of the Quint street bypass road
  1. Concern for repairs of 900 innes


  1. Future Agendas.


  1. (10:30 AM)


  1. 11:00 AM Meet With: Mr Colla – City Attorney’s Office