Board of Directors Meeting
August 2, 2014
- Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members
- Approval of Meeting Minutes: From July 12, 2014
- Board Member Check-in: (10 minutes or less)
- Chairman’s Report: by Sue Ellen Smith.
- IBNA Community Mtg w/ Build, Inc.
- Bicycle safety on Innes / Letter to Capt. O’Sullivan
- Treasurer’s Report: by Allen Frazier.
- Secretary’s Report: by Sean Karlin.
- Correspondence
- i. Thank you letters
- Other Reports:
- Update on the Eastern Waterfront Neighbors – Sean Karlin, Pauline Peele
- Update on Build, Inc. – Sean, Michael, Sue Ellen
- Old / On-going Business:
- Annual Kayak event, Saturday October 25th, 2014 – Recology BBQ
- assign tasks for event / plannning (10:30AM)
- New Business:
- Appointment of new Board member to replace Jill
- Planning for 900 Innes Victory Celebration
- Discussion of Light Rail on Innes Avenue
- (10:30 AM)
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Guest Presentations:
10:30AM Dan Leininger, America’s True
11:00AM Hon. Malia Cohen, Supervisor, District 10. Candidate for re-election