India Basin Neighborhood Association
Board of Directors Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, December 6, 2022, 9 AM (for December 3), via ZOOM
- Board Check in
- Treasurer’s Report
- Wells Accounts: Savings $3,016.15; Checking $2,212.83.
- Pay Pal: $170.27 (still need to do the access process)
- APRI: APRI received a CEMEX donation of $1000.00 for IBNA, which paid for AGM and May Community Conversation. We have been reimbursed that by APRI (and it was deposited into checking above).
- $1140.50 still at APRI for 2021-2022 Art on Innes project. Please turn in receipts!
- $2000.00 CEMEX donated for 2023 “beautification and operational” projects.
- What to do next? Survey people for ideas: Cleanup days, a mural?
- Jill has not been paid for kayak expenses ($348.76) or ZOOM ($161.14) $509.90 (less $15 cash donation). OK to pay?
- December Newsletter to publish December 9
I will check on any upcoming events from APRI (tree giveaway) or Café Alma (Marketplace)- Entwined in GG Park (Charlie / Box Shop connection)
- Home Match free service
- Gardens growing (planters and by the Big Fish): Thank volunteers?
- Need for Board Members
- Next Board meeting: January (confirm)