
IBNA Minutes 2-4-2012


Board of Directors Meeting

February 04, 2012

9:35AM Meeting Called to order: Quorum Present.

Members Present: Michael Hamman, Jill Fox, Richard Laufman, Brian Stott, and Sue Ellen Smith.

Members Absent: Kathryn Altamore, Pauline Peele and Robert Van Houten.


9:36AM Approval of 1/7/2012 Meeting Minutes:

Motion made by RL, seconded by BS, all approved.


9:20AM Chairman’s Report:

a. Review of AGM: MH reports that mtg went well, other than low attendance. JF noted we need more outreach, especially to Hillside Village. MH will get addresses for postcard campaign.


9:57AM Treasurer’s Report:

Report will be submitted later.


9:58AM Secretary’s Report:

Correspondence: no correspondence this month. SES to do TY letters to: Forrest Grey re AGM; SFPD Capt. Paul Chignell re attendance at AGM; ltr re IBNA’s support of Redistricting D10 to keep Dogpatch, Potrero, India Basin, & So. Waterfront together; & ltr to DPW re dumping of human waste & garbage on Aurelious Walker. SES also reported updating website w/ biz sponsors. SES will add “Daffodil Hill,” SF Parks Alliance award,& 3/2/12 Grand Opening at biz sponsor Bay Natives to website.


10:00AM Other Reports:

a. Update on Web Site: SES reported on updates (see above).

b. Stair design Meeting Feb 09: MH will attend mtg, and will state IBNA’s preference for 3 L’s: Lighting (solar, low-lighting as opposed to cobra-headed street lights), Landscaping (ideally using succulents and/or native plants from Bay Natives or Flora Grubb), & Landing (include bench on landings, to create vista point & rest area, rather than a straight-up stairway).

c. Update on Membership: BS reports that the AGM brought several members who updated their memberships, & submitted receipts for reimbursement.


10:05AM Old Business:



10:05AM New Business:

1. Block Book notification: MH informed Board that SF City Planning Dept. charges approx. $100 for IBNA to receive notices of actions taken re the parcels located along 6 blocks of Innes. JF makes motion to approve expenditure of funds & to use MH’s address for receipt of notices; SES 2ds, all approve.

2. Blue Greenway: JF raises issue of Green Connections & the Blue Greenway, & her continuing work on same. IBNA receives recognition due to JF’s work.

3. Redistricting: SES brings up the current redistricting project as something IBNA needs to work on, to avoid being separated from Potrero Hill & Dogpatch. JF makes motion for IBNA to support keeping So. Waterfront areas together; RL 2ds, all approve.


10:30AM Future Agendas.

a. Meet w/ Navy: at this time, Board members feel there is no need to pursue a mtg w/ Navy re base cleanup progress.


10:45AM Adjournment.

Motion to adjourn made by RL, seconded by SES; all approved.




11:10AM Meeting opened to general public.


a. Karen Mauney-Brodek, Deputy Director for Park Planning, & Marvin Yee: Presentation made re progress on 2008 Bond measure to improve SF neighborhood parks. Input from IBNA members solicited, & IBNA members strongly urged Park Planners to focus on acquiring Historic Boatyard – the only SF recreation area with water access & supportive of wooden boats, & noted D10’s dearth of open space/parks.


b. Ontario D. Smith, PG&E:IBNA members heard presentation re potential uses of former power plant. PG&E has paved upper tank site (bounded by HP Blvd.& Middlepoint, across street from old power plant) for temporary weed control, & is open to finding interim uses, provided those uses can be cleared off-site w/in 24 hrs & agree to being “temporary only.” PG&E received input from other sources to “put jobs there,” but recognize that the area restrictions may realistically preclude that usage. IBNA members note that there are no “eyes” on the site, & few biz owners would agree to such terms, but perhaps something such as a plant or tree nursery could house stock there. Food trucks maybe, but not enough bizs/residents to support them. PG&E also exploring moving their Energy demo unit onto property bounded by Jennings & Innes, across from old power plant site.