
IBNA Minutes 5-5-2012


Board of Directors Meeting

May 05, 2012

9:20AM Meeting Called to order: Quorum Present.

Members Present: Michael Hamman, Jill Fox, Kathryn Altamore, Richard Laufman, Brian Stott & Sue Ellen Smith.

Proposed New Board Members Present:Steve LaPlante & Sean Karlin

Members Absent: Pauline Peele & Robert Van Houten


9:21AM Approval of Meeting Minutes: RL makes motion to approve minutes from February 04,2012; KA 2ds motion; all approve.


9:24AM New Business

  1. Accept resignation from Robert Van Houton; appoint Steve LaPlante: SES makes motion to accept RVH’s resignation & to appoint SLP to his seat as Board member-at-large; RL 2ds; all approve.
  1. Appoint Sean Karlin to the Board of Directors of IBNA: KA makes motion to appoint SK to BL’s vacated seat as member-at-large; JF 2ds; all approve.
  2. Discuss nominations for new Treasurer: after discussions, SLP makes motion to appoint SES Secretary/Treasurer, sharing bank signatory role w/ MH, & with Michael Cocagne, CPA, doing the actual accounting; RL 2ds motion; all approve. MH to get checks & books from RVH & arrange bank visit w/ SES.
  3. Discuss letter in opposition to Chinatown subway: after lively discussion, this issue is tabled until a future meeting.
  4. Discuss and possible letter to BoS regarding Planning Code Amendments: extensive discussion surrounding issue. Agreement to support neighborhoods, including ours, that may want to become a Historic District in the future w/o the extra hurdles proposed by the new legislation. SES makes motion for IBNA to send ltr opposing proposed changes to Planning Code; RL 2ds motion; all approve.
  5. Archimedes Banya seeks beer/wine license: although 10 day comment period has passed, Board discussed issue. Most support the spa getting license; JF notes that we want to encourage them to be “good neighbors” and not abuse the license by having problem patrons leaving the spa and bringing alcohol-related issues onto the streets.


10:15AM Chairman’s Report:

a. The Egg Hunt was a HUGE success kudos to all!

b. Work with the Secretary each month to write a short (less than one page) newsletter updating our membership on development in the neighborhood. This will be e-mailed to our list and kept on the Web Site.


10:18AM Treasurer’s Report:

RVH e-mailed report.


10:19AM Secretary’s Report:

a. Correspondence: SES sent TY ltrs to all Egg Hunt supporters, including: SFPD, SFFD, City Grazing, RFJ Meiswinkel, Doherty, Pump It Up, & Erin Farrell and the AmeriCorps volunteers.

b. Logo issues: SES needs a logo to send to other groups (Mendell Plaza) showing our support, but we don’t have one. JF to check w/ Cab to see if he will create both vertical & horizontal ones.

c. Update on the IBNA e-mail list: reviewing mailing list shows no easy way to list true names, unless individuals change their profile. BS will send e-mail invites to new members so they’ll be on Yahoo group. SES will add new Board members.


10:34AM Other Reports:

a. Report on Mendell Plaza: MH has been attending mtgs as IBNA rep; Mendell Plaza events have been successful so far & good outreach for us.

b. Letter to EPA from IBNA: Alex Lantsberg sent ltr out w/o Board approval seeking grant funds. RL makes motion for ltr to go out to Alex informing him he needs Board approval b/4 sending anything out under IBNA’s name; KA 2ds motion; all approve.

c. Update on Houseboat: SES e-mailed info re owner’s plans for a floating bar/restaurant. MH has contacted Army Corps of Engineers, Coast Guard, Marine Corps about abandoned houseboat, and will contact SFPD to get copy of report made when they responded on day it was towed and dumped here.

d. Update on Membership: BS reports 26 paid memberships and 9 business sponsors. Need to get logos for Recology, SF Bail Railroad, Bode Concrete, David Baker Architects, & Waste Solutions Group.

e. Members report on calls from last month: RL & SES made calls; others did not have time. All to take two new names to call this month, and urge renewal of membership.


Old Business: (not discussed due to time limitations)

a. Ongoing effort to increase membership

b. Reach out to other associations

  1. Hillside village
  2. Mariners village
  3. Condo’s on Innes


Future Agendas. (not discussed due to time limitations)

  1. Guests in June: America True


11:03AM Adjournment.

SLP makes motion; RL 2ds; all approve. Board meeting closed, meeting opened for informal discussion.





11:05AM Meetings Scheduled With:

            a.  Andrea Bruss, Aide to Supervisor Cohen

Andrea Bruss engaged Board in  informal discussion of        neighborhood issues & will meet quarterly w/ IBNA Board.

b. 12:00 PM – 1:00 PM (Barbara Ockel, Bayview Opera House)

No Show.
