India Basin Neighborhood Association Board of Directors
Meeting Agenda, June 6, 2022, 4:30 – 6 PM (moved from June 4)
1. Board Check-in
2. Community Conversation Follow up
A. Costs:
IBNA Community Conversation May 2022 | |||
Postcards & Sign | Vista Print | $136.85 | |
Stamps | USPS | $64.00 | |
Chair Rental | Abbey | $59.06 | |
Refreshments | Café Alma | $337.28 | |
Pay to Jill Fox | $597.19 |
B. Attendance: Approximately 60; 29 “new” emails transferred to newsletter list
50 RSVP / Sign-in; at least 10 people noticed at event who did not sign in.
C. Likely CEMEX financial support ($1000)
3. Discussion of Build, Inc Follow up
A. Working Group Meeting:
Group to meet (Michael, Max, Jill, Richard, Sean, Sue Ellen)
Good dates to meet
Who will contact Build, Inc.
B. Content of Newsletter about Community Conversation (please review draft)
4. Art on Innes
A. Next Mural Install June 18
B. Set date for “Celebration”
C. Possible CEMEX financial support ($3000)
5. The Box Shop
A. Request from them for IBNA to take on “Save The Box Shop” as a project
B. They want to install more art between HP Boulevard and Earl
C. They are interested in getting community help with garden and cleanups
6. Newsletter:
Community Conversation Follow up (Build, Inc and David Chiu)
Mural Fest (Event PLUS information about The Box Shop in general)
Art on Innes Install
Bayview Transit Survey
EDP Environment Goals
7. Confirm next meeting: July 9? Run by __________________
8. Adjourn