Board of Directors Meeting
October 1, 2016
- Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members:
- Sue Ellen, Allen, Sean, Mónica, Steve and Anietie
- Approval of Meeting Minutes: Meeting minutes from September 10, 2016
- Reviewed offline & postponed until next meeting.
- Board Member Check-in: (10 minutes or less)
- Allen reports approval of funding for t-shirt production.
- Chair’s Report: by Sue Ellen Smith
- Chair
- Treasurer’s Report: by Allen Frazier.
- Reviewed offline
- Secretary’s Report: by Mónica
- Committee to prepare thank you letters for Kayak Even
- Other Reports:
- Update on Build Inc. from Working Groups
- Old / On-going Business:
- Planning for Kayak event 10/15
- After-party
- “Shared Schoolyard” project event, Saturday, October 22nd:
- New Business:
- Discussion Hunters Point Shipyard Clean-Up
- (10:54 AM)
Guest Speakers:
- “Homes Not Tents” project – Carly Burns with Prop Q
- Motion. Steve moves to support measure Prop Q. Sean seconds.