
Agenda 04-07-2010



Board of Directors Meeting

April 07, 2012

  1. Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members


  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes: From February 04,2012


  1. Chairman’s Report: by Michael Hamman.

a. Unfinished Egg Hunt details

b. Consider Steve LaPlant for Board membership


  1. Treasurer’s Report: by Robert Van Houton.


  1. Secretary’s Report: by Sue Ellen Smith.

a. Correspondence


  1. Other Reports:

a. Update on Membership by Brian


  1. Old Business:

a. Ongoing effort to increase membership

l. Reach out to other associations

  1. Hillside village
  2. Mariners village
  3. Condo’s on Innes

ll. Call old members to encourage them to renew. Each Board Member take two names to call this month.


  1. New Business:


  1. Future Agendas.
  1. Guests in May: Andrea Bruss & Barbara Ockel
  2. Guests in June; America True


  1. Adjournment. (10:30 AM)