
Agenda 08-07-2023

India Basin Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors Meeting Agenda

Monday, August 7, 2023, 9 AM (for August 5) via ZOOM

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  1. Board Check in
  • Beautification activities:
    • Another Mural!

Jill suggests 4 work days (OF 2-3 HOURS EACH) on this:

1. Move the new mural

2. Paint the new mural backs

3. Relocate the existing last mural on the right to the left or to the right a few feet in order to fit this new one with a bit of space

4. Install the new mural

If we can get dates, we can get help.

  • Planting event?
    • Cleaning up weeds and litter?
    • Plaques
    • New mural / planter option (Innes and Griffith)
  • Donation requests sent to CEMEX for 2024:
    • $1500.00 = Art on Innes continuing
    • $500.00 Community Conversation
  • August Newsletter – any ideas?