Annual General Meeting
February 02, 2012
- Call to order – Welcome members and guests – Michael Hamman
- Recognition – Acknowledge & thank Forrest & Speakeasy for hosting AGM
- IBNA’s 2011 Accomplishments: by Michael Hamman.
a. Mtgs w/ most Mayoral candidates in recognition of IBNA as representative of the neighborhood
b. Egg Hunt-largest turnout ever
c. IBNA hosted neighborhood-wide mtg re homeless encampments
d. IBNA called for mtgs w/ DPW & other heads of City Depts re conditions in our neighborhood, resulting in clean-ups & more focus on our needs
- IBNA’s 2012 Goals: by Michael Hamman / Jill Fox / Sue Ellen Smith
a. Assist SF Rec & Parks acquire boatyard
b. Help us choose goals for 2012 – use large Post-It for ideas
- IBNA Business Sponsors: by Sue Ellen Smith
a. Call for businesses to join as sponsors
b. Welcome to Bay Natives as newest sponsor (w/ Grand Opening in March)
6. Announcements: by Jill Fox
a. Call for neighborhood announcements / input from attendees
7. Election: by Jill Fox
a. Votes for three Board positions