
IBNA Minutes 1-7-2012


Board of Directors Meeting

January 07, 2012

9:19AM Meeting Called to order: Quorum Present.

Members Present: Michael Hamman, Jill Fox, Richard Laufman, Kathryn Altamore, Brian Stott, and Sue Ellen Smith.

Members Absent: Pauline Peele and Robert Van Houten.


9:50AM Approval of 11/5/11 Meeting Minutes:

Motion made by RL, seconded by KA, all approved.


9:21AM Chairman’s Report:

9:21AM a. Update on Website: MH presented new website, incorporating suggestions & changes made earlier by Board. SES to change “Contact Us” to “Resources,” & will “Yelp” Steve as well as write him a ltr of recommendation. KA will update the “Resources” section; JF will upload future IBNA mtg dates into the Bayview Footprints calendar, which is linked to IBNA website.

9:51AM b. Update on DPW actions: MH reports he is continuing monthly contact w/ M. Nuru & feels positive change is happening.


9:54AM Treasurer’s Report:

RVH submitted financial spreadsheets via e-mail in advance of mtg.


9:57AM Secretary’s Report:

SES asked for clarification re ltr to K. Bonner; Board will seek a mtg w/ him instead. SES reports uploading all minutes from 2011 on website, and will “Yelp” Steve & write ltr. of recommendation for him.


10:04AM Other Reports:

a. Update on Web Site: see above.

b. Stair design: MH reports that w/ SFRA gone, Lila Hussain has promised to introduce him to the new point person. MH would like to see more public input; Board would like to see solar/wind powered lower level lighting (not cobra-headed light poles) & plantings designed/installed by local biz, such as Bay Natives or Flora Grubb.

10:25AM c. Update on Membership: BS presented updated membership rolls, & also brought in draft AGM ltr. Board approved ltr as edited.


10:10AM Old Business: none.


10:11AM New Business: AGM 2/2/12 @ 6PM, Speakeasy Lagers & Ales

a. Plan for the AGM: Discussion of how to fill open Board seats: Board can appoint someone to replace the existing vacancy on Board. All seats coming open (BS, RL, RVH) will have incumbents running as these current Board members have agreed to continue, and nominations will also be accepted for new candidates. BS will have a budget of $120 for food & water; BS, MH, SES & RL will help set up @ 5PM; BS, MH, SES & JF will help clean up; MH will contact Forrest re WiFi/projector & will bring laptop; JF will bring big post-it sheets for tallying votes; BS will send out AGM ltr + e-blasts; JF will add AGM to Bayview Footprints calendar; SES will do call for nominations on website + e-blasts; and all Board members urged to submit names/address of dignitaries to BS b/4 1/16/12.


10:50AM Future Agendas.

a. Meet w/ Navy: MH will pursue mtg w/ Navy re on-going clean-up.

b. Meet w/ PG&E: MH will pursue mtg. w/ PG&E re former power plant site.


11:02AM Adjournment.

Motion to adjourn made by SES, seconded by RL; all approved.




11:10AM Meeting opened to general public.


Meeting with Kanya Dorland of The Port of San Francisco to discuss designs for the 3rd & Cargo parcel. Ms. Dorland presented refined plans for fences, benches, tables, and pedestrian improvements to the parcel. Group provided critical feedback, especially re bicycle paths in the area, the use of local native plants (and a local nursery to do the design/planting) on the site, as well as solar/wind powered lighting. Further meetings will be scheduled, most likely in six months’ time.