Board of Directors Meeting
March 05, 2009
9:10AM Meeting called to order. Quorum Present.
Members Present: Kathryn Altamore; Jill Fox; Richard Laufman; Sue Ellen Smith; Bob Lake; Brian Stott; Michael Hamman; Robert Van Houten.
Members Absent: Pauline Peele.
9:15AM Old Business/Board Officers Election
Michael & Jill reviewed past history of the elected Board slots, given recent Board vacancies. Jill clarified that Seat 3 (Pauline Peele) is still open if Pauline declines to continue; Brian will contact her re her decision. Board term runs through the end of the calendar year and continues until the next AGM election.
JF made a motion to approve all Board Officer nominations; RL seconded. All approved. MH, Chair; SES, Secretary; RVH, Treasurer. All other duties remain as noted in 2/5/11 minutes.
9:30AM Approval of 2/5/11 Meeting Minutes:
RVH made motion; BS seconded; all approved.
9:35AM Chairman’s Report:
- Area “C” EIR and Redevelopment: MH reports call from Kelly Kahn at Redevelopment. No IBNA vision on Area C due to uncertainties over likely closure of Redev Agency. Area C will revert to Planning Comm. Oversight, where it will be a “conditional use” area. Under P. Comm. There is no structure to provide input, no EIR. Area C as a survey area may be lumped into “ongoing projects,” but unlikely.
- OhSoWe.com Communications device: MH approached by this company that offers a free communications tool for community groups. JF raises issue of keeping website up-to-date; MH will work with Kristine to maintain.
9:55AM Treasurer’s Report:
RVH provides spreadsheet for Board & presents financials. BS to assist RVH with membership dues. In future, RVH will submit financials to Board the Thursday b/4 Board mtgs.
10:15AM Secretary’s Report:
SES presents past minutes. Once approved, will submit them in .pdf form to MH for posting to website, and will maintain hard-copy binder.
10:25AM Other Reports:
a. Blue Greenway Event: Every 3d Saturday is a walking tour; 3/19 is coming up, and 4/16 is next.
b. Acquisition Update: JF reports Parks & Rec has $ for acquisition of 2 sites, the Historic Boatyard & the Northern Flats (bordered by Hudson, Arelious Walker, and the Bay Trail). JF met w/ David Chiu & Malia Cohen; wants to work w/ Neighborhood Parks Council for help on these projects. The No. Flats would be used for an urban farm, following the growingpower.com model.
10:40AM Old Business:
Board Officers election & discussion; see above.
10:45AM New Business:
- Request from Dennis Herrera to meet with IBNA: Discussion about how to proceed, how to extend invitation to other candidates, possibility of arranging a community-wide candidates forum. Decision made to present all candidates w/ “top 3” issues: Future Development, Acquisitions of Parcels for parks, urban farms, etc., & Quality of Life (city services, programs, etc.) JF to reach out to D. Herrera and ask if he will attend our next IBNA meeting 4/2 @ 11AM.
- Planning for Egg Hunt: RVH to send spreadsheet of duties to Board. KA will handle logistics w/ assistance from MH, BS will coordinate w/ Tyrone re food & do flyering, & will approach Lowe’s re donating a pop-up tent. Next month: pick an “Egg Czar” and assigning duties.
11:20AM Future Agendas.
Focus on Annual Egg Hunt
11:25AM Adjournment.
* It appears we made a big mistake with the Board Election. It looks like we elected the wrong board seats this year. Jill, Velma and Kristine were elected last year and should not have been up for re-election this year. The seats that were up this year were Richard, Robert and Brian. You can see the board seat breakdown on our site. It’s the same as what was listed on the 2010 ballots and write-up of the election process.
One option would be:
- To clarify that Bob, Kathryn and Sue Ellen are each filling a vacated seat, meaning one of them will be up for re-election next year (whomever filled Alex’s seat), and the other two in 2013.
- Confirm that Richard, Robert and Brian each wish to serve another three-year term, 2011-2014.
- Then hold a general membership meeting sometime soon to re-elect Richard, Robert and Brian.
The IBNA bylaws do require a vote of the general membership to elect board members, so it’s not something you could do at a board meeting. The board can only fill vacated seats. So that allows us another option:
- Acknowledge the mistake and then designate the new people as the officially elected Board members replacing the ones who were up for election, Richard, Robert, & Brian who would then be off the Board. Then:
- With the “new” board vote to replace those who resigned, Kristine, Velma & Alex with Brian, Richard, and Robert.
This would be much simpler but would leave Brian, Richard, and Robert with shorter terms as they would be replacing the terms of the vacated seats.