Board of Directors Meeting
April 02, 2011
9:15AM Meeting called to order. Quorum Present.
Members Present: Michael Hamman, Jill Fox, Kathryn Altamore, Brian Stott, Sue Ellen Smith, Robert Van Houten (via telephone).
Members Absent: Richard Laufman, Pauline Peele, Bob Lake.
9:20AM Approval of 3/5/11 Meeting Minutes:
MH made motion; KA seconded; all approved.
9:25AM Chairman’s Report:
a) eliminate calendar on website: MH reports that he and KE will take down IBNA website following JF’s suggestion that IBNA use Bayview Footprint’s general calendar.
b) Sponsorship package: MH suggests implementing an IBNA sponsorship package w/ 2 levels, $100 & $200, beyond the regular $50 business membership level. SES to help MH devise sponsorship benefits document.
9:45AM Treasurer’s Report:
RVH submitted financial spreadsheet via e-mail in advance of meeting.
9:55AM Secretary’s Report:
Board members ask SES to assist BS w/ gathering mail from mailbox.
SES to get key from BS, sort general correspondence to handle & pass membership info to BS.
10:10AM Other Reports:
- Update on Blue Greenway planning: JF reports Neighborhood Parks got an EPA grant to do planning for 5 brownfield site cleanups, which may include the Historic Boatyard.
- Status of RPD acquisition: JF will present IBNA’s vision to RPD, at Mark Buell’s insistence & with his encouragement. Also, the SF Bike Coalition is interested in the Hudson Ave. bikeway; will assist IBNA in securing the Historic Boatyard to achieve a safe bike route.
10:30AM Old Business:
- Planning for Egg Hunt: RVH sent out Egg Hunt duties spreadsheet; duties assigned. PP will serve as Egg Czarina.
- Reaffirm support for Bluepeter Building: MH makes motion; JF seconds; all approved.
- Establish format for meeting with Dennis: general discussion for handling meeting w/ Dennis Herrera while adhering to our top 3 issues (Future Development, Acquisitions of Parcels for parks, urban farms, etc., and Quality of Life).
10:45 AM New Business:
- Request Malia Cohen to meet with IBNA: MH will request meeting w/ Malia, as well as invite her to Egg Hunt & ask her to add the Egg Hunt to her monthly newsletter.
- Seek a grant for improvements to our park: JF reports on Community Opportunity Fund, where IBNA may request $ for a bulletin board. JF to attend their meeting on 4/6/11.
10:55AM Future Agendas. MH will e-mail draft agendas & solicit agenda items in advance of Board meeting.
11:00AM Adjournment. Meeting opened to general membership.
11:15AM Meet with Dennis Herrera: discuss issues of IBNA concern.
- Future Development
- Acquisitions of Parcels for parks, urban farms, etc.
- Quality of Life (city services, programs, etc.)
Successful informal meeting with Mayoral candidate Dennis Herrera. Dennis stated that he supports the goals and visions of IBNA, including the IBNA Shoreline Development plans, which he supports.