
Minutes 01-06-2018

India Basin Neighborhood Association Board of Directors Meeting for January 6, 2018

Meeting Minutes by Jill Fox

Meeting called to order at 9:10.

Attendance and Action Items people volunteered to do in the next month:

  • Richard – track down the membership list
  • Alan – conceive an IBNA newsletter as a way to improve communication
  • Tori – confirm AGM location / location contact, send invite for January 24 planning meeting
  • Jill – write and send minutes, get IBNA Facebook information and be able to post

January 27 OR February 10? Done to accommodate Richard and Sean being unavailable on February 3.


  • 1550 Evans (corner of Evans and Third)


CONFIDENTIAL – Proposal is floating to have combination affordable housing, grocery store, and community center. IBNA may be asked to weigh in soon. Richard reported that BV CAC concerned about “taking away form Third Street businesses.” Our general thinking was positive as good transit location for affordable housing, great location for food – perhaps Trader Joes – for us and Dogpatch, practical idea to combine with community center.


  • AGM


Proposed date change to February 24 at Speakeasy Tap Room. Set up 11-12, meeting 12-2, cleanup 2-3.

Reasoning: Better Board attendance, time to do Board recruitment, time to do outreach.


AGM Planning Meeting: All Board members are invited to meet at the Tap Room on Wednesday, January 24, to check out the space, enjoy a drink together, discuss Board development, and plan AGM logistics. We will also discuss at the next Board meeting, but all thought meeting at the space would be inspirational.

AGM Associated Tasks (and volunteer):

  • Space confirmation (Tori)
  • Outreach
  • Board development – before meeting
  • Food – thinking cheese and cold cuts from Costco
  • Membership table
  • Board election – at the meting
  • Set up – including materials / tables, etc needed
  • Program – need to see if possible to show slides, invite guest speakers
  • Clean up


  • Board Seats Confirmed. We have three seats open to vote on at the AGM (seats 7,8,9). At this point Richard has agreed to run again. These are the seats and the years they open.



  1. Monica
  2. Sue Ellen
  3. Tori


  1. Jill
  2. Alan
  3. Sean


  1. Richard
  2. Steve
  3. Anietie


  • IBNA Issues


We discussed the direction of the organization and the need for some new energy.  We discussed the need for more involvement, how to reach out to new people, how to encourage volunteerism. Issues:


  1. Neighborhood Structural
    1. Litter / blight
    2. Transit / transportation / street safety
    3. Undergrounding
  2. Development
    1. EIR
    2. Build project
    3. Lennar / Shipyard ongoing
    4. PG&E
  3. Parks
    1. EIR
    2. 900 Innes design and build
    3. Shoreline Park design, build, current use – TOILET
  4. Organization structure
    1. Membership / Outreach
    2. Board development
    3. Volunteerism
    4. Communication
    5. Website
    6. Facebook
    7. Newsletter
    8. Group list
  5. Events
    1. Egg Hunt
    2. Day on the Bay
    3. AGM


  • Kayak event money


Alan mentioned that he’s met with Jennifer from Kayaks Unlimited about IBNA getting KU kayaks. Jill mentioned that she’s also heard that was the plan for the money donated by PG&E. To have IBNA purchase 1 or 2 two-person kayaks, which KU will store and use for our event. Obviously, we need more discussion on this.

Meeting ended at 10:45