Meeting Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
February 3, 2018
- Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members
- Approval of Meeting Minutes: Meeting minutes from January 6, 2018
- Board Member Check-in: (10 minutes or less)
- Chair’s Report: by Sue Ellen
- Treasurer’s Report: by Allen Frazier.
- Secretary’s Report: by Mónica Padilla-Stemmelen.
- Other Reports:
- N/A
- Old / On-going Business:
- Vote on location: The StoreHouse Meeting at 451 Galvez
- Time: 3pm to 5:00pm on 2/24
- Outreach:
- Shipyard: Curiosity Atlas
- Shipyard Presentation at StoreHouse
- Shipyard Facebook Group
- NextDoor
- Flyer & Banners
- Status of IBNA
- Allen moves to file non-profit paperwork
- Sean seconds; all in favor (Richard, Jill and Mónica)
- New Business:
- 1550 Evans Proposal
- Reach out to Linda Richardson
- 1550 Evans Proposal
- Future Agenda Items
- Storage Space for Kayaks
- PG&E Power Undergrounding
- IBNA branding & website
- Adjournment.