
Minutes 10.04.2014


Board of Directors Meeting

October 4, 2014


9:12 AM     Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members – Steve, Richard, Michael, Pauline, Sue Ellen, Sean, Alan (in at 9:30).


9:13           Approval of Meeting Minutes: From September 13, 2014


9:15           Board Member Check-in: (10 minutes or less)


9:21           Chairman’s Report: by Sue Ellen Smith


9:25           Treasurer’s Report: by Allen Frazier.


9:27           Secretary’s Report: by Sean Karlin.

    1. Correspondence
  1. i. Thank you letters – Formal invite letters for Malia Cohen and Sophia Maxwell to come to the America True Event


9:30           Other Reports:

    1. Update on the Eastern Waterfront Neighbors – Sean Karlin, Pauline Peele
    2. Report on 900 Innes Celebration 9/18/14 – Sean, Michael, Pauline


9:50           New Business:

9:50           Appointment of new Board member to replace Jill – Movement to replace former board member Jill Fox with Tori Freeman. M. Hamman Moved, S. Karlin 2nd. Unanimously passed.


10:10         Select an AGM date for 2015 – Tabled until November.

10:11         Discussion of Light Rail on Innes Avenue – Working group with Sue Ellen, Alan & Sean to create transportation discovery plan. Special transportation meeting with Build Inc. Rep & MTA rep to follow November Board meeting. Invite P. Banks & P. Albert.

10:12         Parking on Innes Avenue – To be included in Transportation Discovery Plan.


10:30         Old / On-going Business:

    1. Annual Kayak event, Saturday October 25th, 2014 – Recology BBQ
  1. assign tasks for event / plannning (10:30AM – Dan Leininger) – On-Site crew at 10:00am.
  2. update from Allen re Bayview Boat Club’s contribution



11:10         Adjournment. (11:00 AM)


* * * * * * *

Guest Presentations:


10:30AM   Dan Leininger, America’s True