Board of Directors Meeting
February 4, 2017
- Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members
- Present: Sean Karlin, Sue Ellen Smith, Pauline Peele, Richard Laufman, Mónica Padilla-Stemmelen, Allen Frasier.
Absent: Tori Freeman, Anietie Ekanem, Steve LaPlant
- Approval of Meeting Minutes: Meeting minutes from January 7, 2016
- Board Member Check-in: (10 minutes or less)
- Chair’s Report: by Sean
- Treasurer’s Report: by Allen Frazier.
- Secretary’s Report: by Mónica Padilla-Stemmelen.
- No receipt of board member bios
- Other Reports:
- Update: EPA grant – EPA is requesting closure of their TAG Grant. Action required.
- Update: Shoreline park (Jill)
- Old / On-going Business:
- AGM planning:
- Presentations: SF Rec & Parks (Jill)
- Presentations: Build Inc. (Sue Ellen)
- Presentations: Northside Park (Richard)
- AGM Flyer (Mónica)
- Set-Up Food (Tori, Pauline)
- New Business:
- Motion by Allen Frazier: On advice of legal counsel, any prior board member or person who is involved in current legal matters with the board shall be excluded from consideration for election to the board of directors.
- Seconded: Sue Ellen
- Unanimous vote in favor
- Adjournment. (11:15 AM)