
Minutes 6-4-2016


Board of Directors Meeting

June 4, 2016



  1. 9:40 – Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members


  1. Approval of Meeting Minutes:   No meeting minutes from May


  1. 9:40 – Board Member Check-in: (10 minutes or less)


  1. 9:45 – Future of the Storehouse to be discussed on Thursday at 6:00 at the Storehouse.


  1. 9:46 – Chair’s Report:  by Sue Ellen Smith


  1. Treasurer’s Report:  by Allen Frazier.


  1. Secretary’s Report:  by Sean Karlin.
    1. Correspondence
  1. i. Thank you letters:


  1. 9: 48 – Other Reports:
    1. Update on the Eastern Waterfront Neighbors – Next meeting is June 23rd at 6:00 pm.
    2. Update on Build Inc. / India Basin – Sue Ellen – Planning Department is hosting Build’s presentation on Thursday June 16th meeting at 5:00 pm City College at 1800 Oakdale.
    3. Build has submitted their notice of completion.
    4. Michael Hamman – This is the key moment in the establishment of the future development of the Build project. Michael requests a sub-committee study the documents and IBNA take a position.
    5. June 21st – Parks development meeting at Lady of Lourdes church. 6:00 pm.
    6. Craftsmen & Wolves – Opened a little shop on 3rd & Yosemite. Open M – F, 7 am – 5 pm.


  1. 10:09 – Old / On-going Business:
    1. Planning for Kayak event in October – No date yet. Last year was huge and we expect this year will also be big. – Lots of work.


  1. 10:10 – New Business:
    1. Opportunity for IBNA Movie Night in IB Shoreline Park – Led by Parks 91214 and Maya Rogers. The group is being formed as an outcrop of the 900 Innes.
    2. Alan moved that the board create a sub-committee. Alan 2nd the motion. Passed unanimously.
    3. Alan moved to nominate Sean as the chair. Alan 2nd. Passed unanimously.
    4. Alan, Sean, Monica, Steve, Sue Ellen – as the sub-committee on the Build/Planning Department’s EIR on
    5. Pauline moves that this group constitutes a committee to review and come up with recommendations for the Build EIR. Tori 2nds. Passed unanimously.



  1. Adjournment.  (10:30 AM)



Guest Speakers: 

Wing Lee, Developer, 1065 Innes Avenue (5 minutes)


                        10:30 – Hydra Mendoza, Youth Park Space (15 minutes – taken out of order)




                        _________, Seven Stills Distillery, 1439 Egbert Street (30 minutes)