India Basin Neighborhood Association
July 7, 2018
Meeting Called to Order at 9:00 am
- Attendance J.Fox, R.Laufman, A.Frazier, S.Karlin, M.Padilla-Stemmelen, Michael Hamman
- Minutes of May 5, 2018 approved
- Treasurer Report
- J.Fox proposes we clarify fiscal sponsorship with America True; A.Frazier makes a motion that treasurer meets with with America True to investigate and report back on the previous structural agreements and makes recommendations for board; M.Hamman seconds; All in agreement. Motion passes.
- M.Hamman makes a motion for a complete accounting 2017 and 2018 with America True; No second. Motion fails.
- A.Frazier motions to purchase Square replacement made by Wells Fargo. Seconded by R.Laufman; All in agreement. Motion passes
- Membership Status: J.Fox aks Board members to confirm their contact information and pay their dues.
- Website update status: In progress, S.Karlin asks for content.
Build, Inc. Agreement
- Board revises draft of: Agreement between IBNA and Build Inc. J.Fox to update.
IBNA sponsored events
- Candidate Forum Review and Next Steps
- Outreach to greater Bayview, Potrero and Dogpatch
- Kayak Event, October 6th
- M.Hamman volunteers to serve as liaison to America True
- Board agrees to change October meeting to September 29th because of event
- Guests, Digital Services, scheduled for August Board meeting at 10:30am. S.Karlin to coordinate and share out information to IBNA membership.
- No one available to research and comment on Navy plan for clean-up of Parcel “G”
- M.Hamman makes a motion of writing a letter to the editor of the SFChronicle advocating for grocery store at 1550 Evans; no one seconds. Motion fails
- S.Karlin makes a motions to write an official letter to Mayor, PUC and other official channels; M.Hamman seconds; all agree. Motion passes. J.Fox to draft letter.
- Board discussed sending letter of appreciation to the Five Point for work beautifying Innes Avenue.
Adjourned at 11:35 am
- Next Meeting: August 4