
Minutes 3_10_2018


Board of Directors Meeting

March 10, 2018


  • Call to order – Determine Quorum and welcome members



  • Approval of Meeting Minutes:   Meeting minutes from February 3, 2018



  • Board Member Check-in: (10 minutes or less)



  • Chair’s Report: by Sue Ellen
  • Treasurer’s Report:  by Allen Frazier.



  • Secretary’s Report:  by Mónica Padilla-Stemmelen.



  • Other Reports:


    1. Website Updating
      1. Retrieving old information; New design


  • Old / On-going Business:


    1. 1550 Evans Proposal
      1. Sean makes a motion for letter of support for a multipurpose; Michael seconds. All in agreement.
    2. Update: Build
      1. No longer involved in new proposal


  • New Business:


    1. Elect Officers
      1. Chair:  Jill Fox (motion?, second?, vote?)
      2. Secretary:  Monica Padilla-Stemmelen (motion?, second?, vote?)
      3. Treasurer:  Allen Frazier (motion?, second?, vote?)
    2. Update Board Roles
    3. Board Development
    4. D10 Supervisor Candidate Presentations
    5. D10 Mobility Study
      1. Invited to 4/7 meeting
    6. Erosion at PG+E walkway
      1. Outreach for letters/e-mails of concern


  • Future Agenda Items


    1. Storage Space
      1. Postponed to Treasure’s Report
    2. PG&E Power Undergrounding
      1. SF-Coalition to underground utilities; Jill makes a motion to endorse; Sean seconds; all agreed.
    3. Friends of the Urban Forest
      1. Michael proposes IBNA involvement
    4. AGM Reflection
      1. Protocol: Audience introductions


  • Adjournment.


    1. Meeting Adjourned at 11:28am

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  • N/A