Did you know that the utility poles on Innes Avenue were installed in 1941 — the oldest in the city? Did you know that firetrucks cannot cross downed wires?
Because of these public safety issues, the India Basin Neighborhood Association is a member of the San Francisco Coalition for Undergrounding Utilities (SFCUU), which is advocating for placing all utility lines underground throughout San Francisco. Getting wires under ground has both safety and aesthetic benefits. SFCUU efforts to the Board of Supervisors led to this study.
Utility Undergrounding Study
San Francisco Public Works is hosting a presentation on the progress made on the Utility Undergrounding Study, the first step towards a larger master plan for undergrounding overhead utility wires throughout San Francisco. Public Works’ consultants will provide updates for interested neighbors at 2:00 PM on Wednesday, September 18, 2019, at the Koret Auditorium in Main Library.
If you cannot make the presentation, you can share your thoughts on getting the wires below ground via https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/UU_Community_Feedback_Survey
The survey is open through September 30, 2019.