
Minutes 12.1.2012

DRAFT Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting

December 01, 2012


9:20AM             Meeting Called to Order: Quorum Present.

Members Present: Michael Hamman, Sean Karlin, Jill Fox, Brian Stott, Richard Laufman, Sue Ellen Smith, and Allen Frazier (potential member).

Members Absent: Michael Cocagne and Steve LaPlante.


9:21AM             Approval of Meeting Minutes:

MH makes motion to approve minutes from November 3, 2012; SK                             seconds motion; all approve.


9:22AM             Chairman’s Report:

  1. Update on EPA status: EPA calls for mtg w/ IBNA; MH & SK will meet w/ them. EPA wants to present addt’l options; MH will report back to Board.
  2. AGM Thursday, February, 07 2012: BS is securing date from Forest.
  3. Alma/Year of the Bay: MH recaps the Alma’s visit to India Basin.


9:50AM             Treasurer’s Report:

MC submitted financials to Board via e-mail; review & discussion.


9:52AM             Secretary’s Report:

  1. Correspondence: letters in support of Western SOMA to go out.
  2. Update on the IBNA e-mail list: SES created a manual for managing the IBNA e-mail list & will send out to Board.
  3. New board member profiles on web site: SES will put photos & bios on website, & asks that Board members provide dates to update their bios.


10:00AM           Other Reports:

  1. Update on Membership: BS reports IBNA has 28 paid members & 10 paid biz sponsors. BS will do a postcard for the AGM; JF will do a blurb, & special order a sticker the right size for the postcard. After discussion, the Board decides that the Membership chair will send an e-mail out to members 12 months after joining, asking the member to renew membership, then sort membership list by active & inactive members.


10:10AM           Old Business:

  1. Legal Status of Association: Allen expressed an interest in researching the different statuses for IBNA, pending Board vote.

10:15AM           New Business:

  1. Vote on New Board Member: After discussion, SES nominates Allen Frazier to fill vacant Board seat; SK 2d’s motion; all approve.
  2. Begin Planning AGM: MH will contact Meredith Thomas @ Parks Alliance re attending the AGM to present the park proposal during the AGM.
  3. Parking signs on Innes: JF voices dissatisfaction with the restricted parking signs posted on Innes, which were posted after a large community mtg w/ the SFPD over the homeless campers parking & living in RV’s. Extensive discussion.
  4. Request for Letters of Support for:
  5. Berkeley Farms permit appeal: Board approves.
  6. Western SOMA Plan: Board approves.

iii. Quint Street bypass road: Board approves.

  1. Concern for repairs of 900 Innes: MH, with Board approval, will pursue all avenues to raise awareness about condition of 900 Innes Avenue.


11:35AM           Future Agenda. MH asks Board members to submit future agenda items.


11:40AM           Adjournment.

                        SK makes motion to adjourn; AF 2d’s; all approve.