
Minutes 8.4.12

DRAFT Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting

August 04, 2012



9:23AM                 Meeting Called to Order: Quorum Present.

Members Present: Michael Hamman, Jill Fox, Sean Karlin, Steve   LaPlante, and Sue Ellen Smith (Pauline Peele also present).

Members Absent: Brian Stott, Michael Cocagne, Richard Laufman.



9:24AM    No Approval of Meeting Minutes from June 02, 2012 (not done).


9:24AM                Chairman’s Report:

  1. Discussion of Houseboat: boat was ticketed for 3rd time by SFPD; discussion of who to contact to remove blight, including Off. Sue Lavin.
  2. ARC Ecology: members expressed dismay over 1st mtg in July re review of Navy’s recommendation for Parcel E-2. ARC seems to be pushing for excavation & mtg was slanted that way. ARC is our consultant; Board directs SES to contact Barbara Ockel @ BV Opera House & cancel 8/8/12 mtg. Discussion of ARC’s actions w/o consulting w/ IBNA. Board calls Saul Bloom & arranges mtg to discuss funding & future meetings w/ public.


10:12AM              Treasurer’s Report: submitted by Michael Cocagne; discussion of                              EPA funds & payment of ARC’s consultant fees.


10:14AM              Secretary’s Report:

  1. Correspondence: none
  2. Logo issues: Cab completed; all approved & appreciated his work.
  3. Letter of thanks to Robert: done 2 months ago
  4. Update on the IBNA e-mail list: still a work in progress.
  5. New board member profiles on web site: need SLP & MC


10:15AM              Other Reports:

  1. Update on Membership by Brian: postponed.


10:15AM              Old Business:

  1. America True Event – Finalize Plans (see below)
  2. Legal status of Association – postponed until MC can be present.


10:20AM           New Business:

  1. Seek new board member: discussion of whom to approach for vacant seat (Kathryn Altamore’s). Possibly include resident of Hillside Village?



10:25AM    Future Agendas: tabled.


10:30AM           Adjournment



11:00AM           Meeting with America True

Dan Leininger of America’s True attended meeting to discuss the Free Boating Day in India Basin. Ted Choi can only offer kayaks on 9/22, which is not good for everyone else. 10/13/12 is agreed upon date. JF suggests that Dan contact 2 groups: BASK (Bay Area Sea Kayakers) & Beau ___ . JF also suggested contacting BlueGreenway & SFPark & Rec for their support, & possible use of their kayaks. MH said he & Kristine Enea will each lend 2 kayaks. America’s True has insurance coverage for the event (it is a 501(c)(3)). JF suggests Dan reach out to Hunters Point Family Foundation to spread word to their clients – tons of kids who would enjoy the boating. Invite all partners to meeting @ 11AM, Sept. 8th (after regular Board meeting), and then meet at first Saturday in October to finalize plans.