
Minutes 1.12.2013

DRAFT Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting

January 12, 2013


9:15AM             Meeting Called to Order: Quorum Present.

Members Present: Michael Hamman, Sean Karlin, Jill Fox, Brian Stott,           Richard Laufman, Steve LaPlante, Sue Ellen Smith, and Allen Frazier.

Members Absent: Michael Cocagne.


9:17AM             Approval of Meeting Minutes:

JF makes motion to approve minutes from December 1, 2012; SK                               seconds motion; all approve.


9:18AM             Chairman’s Report:

  1. Update on EPA status: MH met w/ EPA re future funding possibilities. MH will instruct S.Bloom of ARC Ecology that: 1) no work shall be done on Parcel E on IBNA’s behalf; 2) research may be done on Parcel UC-3 (where RR Museum was); & 3) ARC will apprise IBNA of any addt’l plans to install rip-rap along shoreline areas, as IBNA is opposed to loss of natural beaches. IBNA’s position is that nothing should be done to delay the transfer of Parcel B in 2013. MH will report back to Board.
  2. Update on Berkeley Farms demo: MH reported on 1/9/13 hearing b/4 the Dept. of Planning Commission re demolition under an “alteration” permit. MH, SK, & SES testified, along w/ several other residents. Dan Dodt did an outstanding job writing the brief and spearheading the testimony, yet the Comm. ruled in favor of the owner. The Comm. did put addt’l requirements on any future work on site, including obtaining soils analysis from a certified lab on soil removed from the site. SK noted that we gained good momentum, and DBI is now aware they are being watched. SK will write a letter to DBI.


9:50AM             Treasurer’s Report:

MC submitted financials to Board via e-mail; review & discussion.


9:55AM             Secretary’s Report:

  1. New board member profiles on web site: SES put photos & bios on website, & asks that Board members provide dates (instead of “…lived                         here for 20 years…”) to update their bios. AF needs to submit a photo &                     bio.




10:12AM           Other Reports:

  1. Crane Cove Park: JF reported on recent mtg re Crane Cove Park, to be located just south of The Ramp. BCDC now looking at plans. SF Boatworks, Pier 70 Ship repair, & The Ramp will remain. Kayak center will go in. JF argued for BlueGreenway path. Might have private boathouses – could siphon off support for developing a boating center in India Basin – or the private boathouses could be @ Crane Cove, leaving room for public boating center here.
  2. NEN Awards: JF attended the Neighborhood Empowerment Network awards (also on 1/9/13), and encourages IBNA to apply for next year.


10:40AM           Old Business:

  1. Legal Status of Association: AF had questions regarding same and made queries to the Board; AF will conduct research, meet w/ experts and report back w/ preliminary information at the March meeting.
  2. AGM: BS has secured Speakeasy for the 2/9/13 meeting, 4 – 6PM. BS will organize food, similar to last year. JF prepared text for stickers, & BS will mail out 100+ postcards. BS asks Board to submit names/addresses of special invitees. SK will do slideshow, AF will bring projector.

10:50AM           New Business:

  1. 900 Innes: MH reported that several complaints have resulted in a hearing re 900 Innes on 2/5/13 @ 1660 Mission, Room 201, unfortunately @ 9AM. MH will attend & hopes that some of of the Berkeley Farms group will support us on this. IBNA Board agrees upon 4 demands: 1) historically appropriate roof that is weather-tight; 2) historically appropriate sidings/exterior w/ weather-tight doors & windows; 3) remove all trash from interior; & 4) pay for and install historical placque denoting it as SF Landmark #250.
  2. Meet w/ Dep. City Atty Nick Colla: Board agrees to focus our meeting w/ Mr. Colla on: 1) no enforcement of bldg. codes in our neighborhood; and 2) a public street is blocked off for private use in our neighborhood.



11:15AM           Future Agenda.

MH asks Board members to submit future agenda items.


11:20AM           Adjournment.

                        SK makes motion to adjourn; AF 2d’s; all approve.


11:20AM           Meeting w/ Mr. Nicholas Colla, Dep. City Attorney

Meeting re problems in neighborhood. Board outlines issues. Board                 members walk to 900 Innes w/ Mr. Colla, pointing out violations.