
Minutes 04.05.2014

DRAFT Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting

April 5th, 2014


9:20AM             Meeting Called to Order: Quorum Present.

Members Present: Michael Hamman, Allen Frazier, Sue Ellen Smith, Steve LaPlante, Sean Karlin, Richard Laufman, Brian Stott, Pauline Peele.


9:22AM             Approval of Meeting Minutes: from November 2, 2013.

No notes from that meeting; minutes to be added next month.


9:25AM             Chairman’s Report:

Our changing neighborhood and IBNA’s role: Request that Build Inc. presents to IBNA at May 3rd meeting.

9:35AM             Treasurer’s Report: Allen Frazier

Financials submitted to Board via e-mail; review & discussion. Last EPA payment to ARC.


9:36AM             Secretary’s Report: Sean Karlin

  1. Correspondence: Ltr to Speakeasy for ABC License.
  2. Provide the Laughing Monk Brewery letter of support for ABC license. MOTION 004.05.2014: SK makes motion, PP seconds. ALL APPROVE


9:40AM             Other Reports:

  1. Update on Acosta Parcel/Build Inc.: Michael Hamman.
  2. Legal Status of Organization: Allen Frazier
  3. Report on India Basin Walking Tour with Build Inc.: Sean Karlin


10:01AM           Old Business:

            2014 Spring Egg Hunt: Saturday, April 19, 2014 from 9AM-1PM at India Basin Shoreline Park. SK Membership outreach to donate hard-boiled & painted eggs. PP will run the BBQ.                                   

10:52AM           New Business:

  1. Appointment of new board members: No action taken.
  2. Consider joining Easter Waterfront Neighborhood Association (EWNA): Sean Karlin presented. Some of us will attend the May 28th meeting at the South Beach Boat Club.
  3. Consider supporting John Stewart & Co. Action – Request JS&C present to IBNA at June meeting.


11:02AM           Adjournment. – Meeting adjourned.