
Minutes 12.7.2013

DRAFT Minutes

Board of Directors Meeting

December 7, 2013


9:15AM             Meeting Called to Order: Quorum Present.

Members Present: Michael Hamman, Allen Frazier, Jill Fox, Sue Ellen           Smith, Steve LaPlante, Sean Karlin, Richard Laufman, Brian Stott,

Pauline Peele, as well as Shirley Bruton.


9:16AM             Approval of Meeting Minutes: from November 2, 2013.

No quorum at that meeting; no minutes taken; no action items.


9:17AM             Chairman’s Report:

  1. Opening Hudson & Griffith Streets update: DPW will open next             week. SF Rec & Park opened trail 3 days after letter.

9:35AM             Treasurer’s Report:

Financials submitted to Board via e-mail; review & discussion.


9:36AM             Secretary’s Report:

  1. Correspondence:Ltrs to Malia Cohen, SF Rec & Park re opening streets


9:38AM             Other Reports:

  1. Update on Membership: BS will start work on AGM.
  2. Legal Status of Organization: SES reports back; efforts ongoing.
  3. Financial Comm. For Blue Greenway: JF will participate


10:01AM           Old Business:

  1. Meeting w/ Shipyard CAC: MH reports back re Interim Bike Path through the Shipyard; Full CAC meeting presentation now set for 1/13/14 but can be postponed, if necessary.



10:32AM           New Business:

  1. Planning for AGM: Saturday, Feb 1, 2014 from 4-6PM at Speakeasy. BS will start arrangements.

MOTION 12.1.2013: MH made motion to approve budget of $300 for T-               shirts; SK seconded motion; ALL APPROVE.

                        MOTION 12.2.2013: MH made motion to approve budget of $200 for                   food/beverages for AGM; PP seconded motion; ALL APPROVE.

  1. SF PUC presentation: Discussion of their proposal to deliver a presentation on the proposed water rate increase.



11:12AM           Future Agenda items.

  1. Meeting with Art Agnos re proposed Warriors Arena.


11:15AM           Adjournment.

                        MOTION 12.3.2013: AF makes motion to adjourn; SK seconded               motion; ALL APPROVE; Meeting adjourned.