DRAFT Minutes
Board of Directors Meeting
May 3rd, 2014
9:20AM Meeting Called to Order: No Quorum Present.
Members Present: Michael Hamman, Sue Ellen Smith, Sean Karlin, Pauline Peele & Kristine Enea.
9:22AM Approval of Meeting Minutes: from April 5, 2014. No quorum, no approval.
9:25AM Chairman’s Report:
- IBNA Annual Egg Hunt. Success.
9:35AM Treasurer’s Report: Allen Frazier
9:36AM Secretary’s Report: Sean Karlin
- Correspondence: for their support of the Spring Egg Hunt Ltr to be sent to:
- City Grazing (David Gavrich 100 Cargo Way, San Francisco, CA 94124 Email: david@citygrazing.com)
- Greg Peele
- Central Concrete,
- Recology
- Robert Davis. (parkside415@me.com)
- Correspondence: Letters of thanks for the Arelous Walker Stairs (M. Cohen, L. Hussein, T. Bohee, CIC. Possible ribbon cutting ceremony?
9:50AM Other Reports:
- Update on Acosta Parcel/Build Inc.: Michael Hamman. June Build Inc. Meeting. We want to push for a bike path that is not on Innes.
- Report on Bayview Gateway Art Installation: Sean Karlin
10:20AM Old Business:
10:52AM New Business:
- Appointment of new board members: No action taken, but Kristine Enea was present but no formal action was taken.
- Consider joining Easter Waterfront Neighborhood Association (EWNA): Sean Karlin presented. Some of us will attend the May 28th meeting at the South Beach Boat Club.
- Update on Pier 70/Bayview Pop-Up Market – Tori Freeman.
12:00AM Adjournment. – Meeting adjourned.