
Minutes 06.07.2014


Board of Directors Meeting

June 7, 2014


9:30AM             Meeting Called to Order: Quorum Present.

Members Present: Michael Hamman, Sue Ellen Smith, Sean Karlin, Pauline Peele, Steve LaPlant,.


9:35AM             Approval of Meeting Minutes: from June 7, 2014. Approved.



9:40AM             Chairman’s Report:

  1. Pier 70 Partners – Tori Freeman requested a letter of support for the SF entertainment Commission that we did provide.
  2. Build Inc. – Continued discussions with the “Working Group”. Presentation to full board not yet on agenda.


9:50AM             Treasurer’s Report: Allen Frazier – Approved


9:52AM             Membership: Michael Hamman

  1. Pass membership from Brian to Michael


9:55AM             Secretary’s Report: Sean Karlin

  1. Correspondence: Thank you letters for their support of the Spring Egg Hunt were sent out


10:00AM           Other Reports:

  1.    Update on Eastern Waterfront: Sean Karlin.
  2. Update on 900 Innes Acquisition by SF Rec & Parks: Sean Karlin & Michael Hamman


10:10AM           Old/On-Going Business:

  1. Annual Kayak Event: Saturday October 25thSue Ellen – Mobilize the community and get more press coverage.


10:17AM           New Business:

  1. Appointment of new board members: No action taken, looking at Kristine Enea.
  2. Contact John Stewart Co. for Board presentation
  3. Candidate for Supervisor of D10, Tony Kelly requested opportunity to present to the board – Approved for July 12th meeting.
  4. Request Lennar support a community 4th of July BBQ – Michael Hamman.


10:45AM           Adjournment. – Meeting adjourned.



Guest Presentations:


11:00AM   Report on SF Entertainment Commission / Pier 70 Partners

                              Pauline Peele / Tori Freeman


11:30AM   Report on City of SF’s acquisition of 900 Innes

                              Supervisor Malia Cohen